Sunday, January 20, 2008

Newsflash - January 2018 Washington, DC

The NEW DSM-V has been released as the result of joint research projects with the World Health Organization, the American and British Societies of Medicine and Science, the American and Australian Pediatric Associations and funding through the Global Autism Society (GAS).

Declaring a major victory for the cause of neurodiversity and a return to literacy where words reflect their dictionary meaning, leaders in Autism Restructuring are sharing the new diagnostic criteria. Based upon the Constitution with a focus on equal opportunity, the new DSM-V presents a broad continuum of diagnostic criteria suitable for all neurotypologies. This creates a system through which all people can realize a personalized syndrome and enable the person to apply for and obtain support services.

The new expansive and inclusive format ensures that all persons who wish to pursue positive behavioral supports and interventions will have access to programs at government expense.

The movement to include all neurotypologies for provision of support started when persons living within the autism spectrum began to articulate their talents and demonstrate gifts and abilities that contribute to the Commonweal in extraordinary ways. After succeeding in various disciplines spanning economic frameworks in art, computer technology and theoretical sciences, academics and philosophical sciences, persons within autism began to rally for the rights of neurotypicals to be included in services such as Applied Behavioral Analysis, Sensory Integration Therapy, Social Pragmatics, Positive Behavioral Interventions, Cognitive Behavioral Theory and similar structures for improving neuro-socio-emotional relationships.

Now, after 10 years of study and linguistic analysis, the criteria for the newly defined category offers a diagnosis for all people creating a fair and equal opportunity for all neuotypologies to attain unique and meaningful positions in community and world service.

Lobbying successfully for the removal of the word ‘disorder’ within the DSM led GAS to promote support services for all persons regardless of language ability and cognitive approach. The new entry for the DSM-V includes character attributes such as:

1. presumption addiction (using Theory of Mind to misunderstand the desires and intents of other persons)
2. social superiority syndrome (perseverating belief that one type of relationship development is always preferable)
3. morphological modification compulsion (the use of well-defined words in ill-conceived ways resulting in confusion, argumentation, and the breakdown of relationships)
4. inexact etiological processing (determined and constant misuse of established philosophical or scientific paradigms in order to justify a belief system whether or not it is accurate)
5. PDD-NNS: Pervasive Developmental disorder-Not needing specification (a holistic approach to finding a diagnostic niche for any person who feels a need to BELONG using any psycho-social paradigm defined since 1968)

The Global Autism Society has over 10,000 Websites dedicated to explaining and defining the new criteria for autism inclusion. Cate Atonic, president of the society, states: “Our deep empathy and understanding of the sense of being lost urged us forward to reach out to our NT brothers and sisters so that we can all live a rich inner life while pursuing mundane contributions to the consumerist economy of the first world industrialized countries. It is our sincere hope that as the industrialization of grasslands, forests, oceans and Souls deteriorates, our neurotypical friends will revert to a simpler life and can find joy in the solitude of the meadow as shepherds, beauty in the skylines of mountains in the pursuit of art and music, truth in the mathematical lines and geometrical patterns of stars and waves.”

Persons interested in studying this new diagnosis can Google “Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder.”

With love for Cathy and Judi